Monday, April 11, 2011


The visual style of my blog has remained the same since last semester. It is pink stripes with white font. This suits my personality- upbeat. This being said, it also suits my work because all of my designs are created and formed with my own individual style. Every sub-component follows the same theme, so therefore it is working towards the same thematic goal. I do not think that the theme is too particular or overly broad. Many girls can relate to my theme, and the pink can bring about calm feelings to those who may have not particularly chosen the color. I think the only think that could be changed to make the images stand out more is for the border around images to be a darker color, because the border that surrounds the text is beige. It would definitely be helpful to show the logo or compositional element to others to see if they perceive it the same way I do. It is always helpful to get at least one outside opinion. It helps make ones work stronger because it gives the designer contstructive criticism.

Overall I am pleased with the visual weight, structure, color, and presentational style of my blog. Linework could be made to some designs to enhance the elements aesthetic and thematic aggreement. For example, thickening the lines around the flower in color echo, could make the flower stand out more. I think the designs do flow nicely with the backdrop. Since my back drop is light pink, many colors blend well with it. The only visual that does not really go with it is the Second Life Object, the colors in this design are dark red and green which contrast light pink. Color options for each component have been explored. I tried out a variety of colors until finding ones that I thought were aesthetically pleasing. The colors of each element do for the most part flow together nicely with the overall blog. All of the designs can serve for many different puposes for example, Combining Fonts and Images could be used as an advertisement, Emotional Design could be used for a poster, and Legibility and Text Safe Areas could be used for an invitation. The text in all components of the blog, is an appropriate size for the intended audience to easily read. The look and feel of the type does go with the overall message, in each piece of work where text is included. It is specifically chosen for the overall design. However, the font for my narratives is simple so that it does not take away from the design. I do think it is always time to explore new fonts though, because a font used in a particular design should correlate with it. 

Each design should be looked at and taken in individually. However, some may need to be viewed longer than others. Some pieces of work were more time consuming, with more attention given to them. This is what makes the difference between and exemplar design, and a good design. I am proud of all my designs, but I am most proud of the Emotional Design. I think Shelby and I did a good job portraying the emotion of confidence as explained in the narrative. I would like for viewers to take a little more time when looking at this design. The boxes that group each concept together are essential without them the blog would look chaotic and be hard to follow. Therefore, the edges should not go together with other elements within the layout. I do not think grouping the elements together would result in conceptual or aesthetic gains. I think each design deserves its own box, with its own narrative. Making it simple and easy to understand. I am pleased with how the designs are placed within the layout. The only thing that I may want to change is how thick the border is around each design. It varies depending on design.

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