Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Legibility and Text Safe Areas

The purpose of this work was to create a back drop that would "contain and direct attention to a piece's content and message." I chose this icy blue background to signify water. I then cropped out the portion of the picture that I wanted. I chose the portion that was majority light blue. I then added a text layer. In the layer I wrote "You're invited to Elizabeth's Pool" because the blue reminded me of water. I then changed the text to something that I thought went well with the backdrop. I am pleased with how the image turned out, I think the color blue, makes people feel like the water would be refreshing on a hot day, and would want to attend. I think the glow of the text helps it stand out against the blue background.

Hue and Saturation



The purpose of this work was to use RGB colors to change the hue of the cheetah. Here I decreased the hue to 89. This made my cheetah more green. The lower the number, the darker the hue. "it takes a combination of two or more RGB hues to create lighter tones." I change  the color of the hue, a few different times. I am now really satisfied with the light shade of green I chose.


The purpose of this work was to show how a picture's color can be altered by increasing or decreasing an images hue and saturation, which is the purity of a hue. "A hue that is in its most intense, literal form, is considered fully saturated. A hue that is mixed with its complement, black, grey or a neutral tone becomes muted, less saturated." To change the hue (color) I increased the hue to 94. This photo is less saturated because it is mixed with black and grey. It took me a couple attempts to chose which number of saturation to change my picture to. I am now pleased with the coloring of my picture.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Second Life Prim

The purpose of this work was to build a simple object in Second Life. To design it I first chose the shape which is a cylinder. I then stretched my object to make it wider, and moved it. I then titled it Penguin because I proceeded to add a penguin texture to it. I then added a little transparency and glow, but not much because I wanted the picture to still be sharp. When it was finished i thought it would look better smaller, so I applied that change. I am very pleased with how it turned out. I think the penguins make it look unique. Unfortunately, the penguins are hard to see, I could not get any closer to my object.