Original Image
Krause says "Color is an extremely effective tool when it comes to making one element stand out above others." So the purpose of this piece of work is simply that, to add emphasis to a particular object to make it stand out from the rest. The viewer is directly drawn to the different colored image. To create this image I started out with a basic umbrella, as seen at the top of the page. I then magnetic lassoed the umbrella and moved them all into one window. I clicked on the four different layers I had created to move the umbrella's so that they were placed exactly how I wanted them. I then chose color overlay in the toolbar, lessened the opacity (so that the umbrella appeared realistic), and then changed the umbrella to purple. Now that my work is done I really like the shade of purple I chose, and how the purple umbrella really stands out from the rest. I also think the placement of the umbrellas are visually pleasing.
Past and Present
The purpose of this work is again to make one object stand out in the visual by making it a different color. To transform this picture I first selected a street image, then chose the magnetic lasso tool to outline the pink apartment (the building that is highlighted in the black and white photo) I then selected image, adjustments, then black and white. My photo was then complete. The black and white background really makes the pink apartment building pop, and stand out. In the original photo on the top the pink building is barely recognized. The viewers eyes may not directly go to it. Throughout this piece of work I made several different changes to it. At first I tried magnetic lassoing the brown building, but realized it would not be emphasized enough when I turned the image black and white. Now that my visual is complete I am very pleased with the building I chose to stand out, my eyes are directly drawn to it.